The little things.

For many years now, I am in a biweekly rotation to deliver a message/sermon at the church I attend. This is a big responsibility and one that I take very seriously. Yesterday morning was my turn in the rotation and I had a message topic to share that expanded on my communion meditation from the previous Sunday. Many of my shares are based on my personal experiences. Many times a meditation comes to me in a dream, most times from a scripture verse. Such, was the case that shaped the message I shared yesterday. As a Christian I am aware of God’s many blessings. I’ve learned the most important lesson to keep my on an even keel, and that lesson is that life is impermanent. That we can still make progress through the ups and downs we call life. That in the end we end up higher than were we started. Many times I experience a divine presence that I have to say is more than pure coincidence. Take yesterday for example. As the benediction passage was mentioned by the reader, I opened my bible to look for it and on my first try, my bible opened up to that exact location. I don’t know how to make sense of this except to believe that there are forces that do we can’t see, but we can experience through our many senses. By the way, I have many more examples similar to this one. At the right moment and time all things fall into place or put another way find there purpose.

Published by freedom1928

I am a husband, son, brother, friend and most import of all I am a Christian. I am also a business owner at ESPIRITUSANTO MASSAGE where our motto is helping you feel your best! I like to write about things I am most passionate about: God, family and selfcare.

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